
Roma - White Pearl Cascade & Chain Necklace

Now: $480.00
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Sure to cause a chain reaction that will ripple across Rome, this paparazzi ready demi-fine pearl necklace features large biawa freshwater pearls on a gold chain that can be dressed up or down any time of the year. This will surely keep the shutterbugs snapping!




Pearl necklace features double strand of mixed metal gold-tone chain and biawa freshwater pearls 12-14mm, 5” long biawa freshwater pearl cascade, biwa pearl, white biwa pearl, freshwater biwa pearl necklace, Rare earth mixed metal magnetic clasp, 17” in length (choker style with cascading drape of biawa freshwater pearls), pearl, pearls, real pearls, cultured pearls, freshwater pearls, freshwater pearl, white pearl, white pearls, biawa pearls, white biawa pearls, white freshwater biawa pearls, pearl necklace, biawa pearl necklace, pearl and chain necklace, pearl size 12-14mm, large biawa pearls, gold chain necklace with pearls, pearl drape, biawa pearl drape, multichain necklace, statement necklace, "Roma - Pearl Necklace", Roma - Pearl Necklace, Pearl necklace features double strand of mixed metal gold-tone chain and biawa freshwater pearls 12-14mm, 5” long biawa freshwater pearl cascade, Rare earth mixed metal magnetic clasp, 17” in length (choker style with cascading drape of biawa freshwater pearls), pearl, pearls, real pearls, cultured pearls, freshwater pearls, freshwater pearl, white pearl, white pearls, biawa pearls, white biawa pearls, white freshwater biawa pearls, pearl necklace, biawa pearl necklace, pearl and chain necklace, pearl size 12-14mm, large biawa pearls, gold chain necklace with pearls, pearl drape, biawa pearl drape, multichain necklace, statement necklace, "Roma - Pearl Necklace", Roma - Pearl Necklace, biwa pearl, white biwa pearl, freshwater biwa pearl necklace


Additional Details

Perfect imperfections; blemishes, shadows, and circlés which appear on NB pearls are not to be considered flaws, but inherent properties which enhance their artistic allure:
NB pearls are natural products so sizes and color may vary slightly.


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